Each one of us struggles to fit in ourselves in the group with whom we
spend most of our time in a day. Appreciation, attention, and importance, is
what everyone strives for. And, in the process, we try to change ourselves, be
it dressing or talking or even a small gesture becomes a great matter of
concern. This struggle to make our places in the group is peer pressure. Adults
are able to draw a fine line, distancing themselves from the pressure.
But teen peer pressure is the most tough time for parents and for the
child as well. To fit in their circle of friends is the biggest challenge for
them. It is the time of their life when they are on their way to forming an
identity; they are battling with the confusions within them.
However, these five effective ways can help you deal with your teen peer pressure:
- Connect
with your child
Communication is
the most important part in parenting especially with teens. Listening to them
attentively and getting to know your child is essential. Be patient and keep a
check over your emotions. Allow your teenager to open up. When you child feels
comfortable you get know the details of their little world. Converse directly.
Rather than allowing peer pressure affecting negatively, with discussion and
communication, you can steer your child towards positivity.
- Involve
in your child’s life
Team with your
child in some healthy activities. Making your child feel that you are always
with them, he/she can never feel isolated. With you, in every step, they gain
confidence and share every detail of their day-to-day events. They seek support
in you by sharing their so-called secrets. And there, you are with the best
knowledge of all what’s going on in your child’s life.
- Teach
your teen to say NO.
Social acceptance
being the concern, your child can never say ‘No’. Educate your child on the
pros and cons of agreeing to their friend all the time. Teach them how to
respond to a peer and handle situations. Being humourous is a good strategy.
Suggest them the ways for a polite NO. Helping your child to understand what
can be received and followed, and what can be neglected, your child is able to
stand up for him/her self.
- Integrating
Family time in the routine
Friends come first
for a teenager. Hence, it is important to make your child understand that
family is equally important. Integrating family time with fun filled activities
can help the child understand the value of the family. Help them take up their
hobbies as keeping them busy their energy levels soar. Proper channelizing can
help them shift their focus away from peer pressure. A child attached to the
family can easily overcome the difficult times.
- Empower
your child
Allow your child to
decide on certain things. Appreciate when they succeed. Empowering them boosts
their self-esteem. And a teenager with high self-esteem has his/her own
identity. With your backing support, your child has a high confidence level. A
teenager filled with positive thoughts can easily understand their course of
action to avoid or face peer pressure.
To sum up, dealing with teen peer pressure needs a balanced love and
logic! Read six must-do
things being a parent of a teenager and parenting styles
of today to know more.