Every parent and kid would unanimously agree that involvement of a
parent in the kid’s life is extremely necessary. This ensures a proper guidance
and direction in life for the child, immensely aiding the parent-child
relationship and bonding. But, the term ‘being involved’ can mean different
things to different people. The million dollar question is where the perfect
balance is. What are the most effective parenting styles to ensure the
best for the kid?
Let us discuss about three essential effective parenting styles prevalent today.
Parenting – demands strict obedience and discipline from the kids.
An aggressive parenting style to put it rightly, authoritarian parents
chalk out a discipline structure for the children to comply with always. The
parent usually decides what is best for the child without paying much heed to
his opinions or thoughts. Imposing obedience and discipline, sometimes harshly,
deviating from which is rarely without consequences. Some go to extreme
measures of discrediting the child’s ideas and tease or humiliate even punish
them for making mistakes. Authoritarian parenting might teach the kid to be
extremely disciplined and obedient, but it will severely damage the child’s
self-esteem. He will look up to his parents as an authoritative figure for
solutions to all his problems. Children growing up in such environments often
turn rebellious. After a certain point, they may become extremely submissive
owing to their shattered self-esteem and self-confidence.
Parenting – Parents are reluctant in imposing too many rules and let the
children decide for themselves.
On the contrasting side of the spectrum, permissive parents barely
impose any rules and try to avoid any disciplinary actions. They tend to
support their child in everything, which often tends to lead to even blind
support and faith. Permissive parents, to ensure their kids always like them
ignore when their kids evade responsibilities and take it upon themselves.
Barely any limits are set and the kids make their own choices in whatever
situation or circumstance. Although with the teens, owing to the negligible
control, parents have over them, this parenting style is questionable in ways.
The children don’t learn to respect their parents. They deny taking
responsibilities and are rarely going to turn to parents for any important
decisions in their lives. With their free-will and no set limits, they make
mistakes and tend to let their life go haywire.
Authoritative or
Assertive Parenting – An amalgamation of the above two.
This style finds a balance and is the best, skimming the best qualities
of both ends of the spectrum. The parents do not go overboard with discipline
but ensure that their kids’ problems and mistakes are not ignored either. Kids
growing up to assertive parenting, respect their parents, obey them while also
turn to them for their needs. The kids learn to tackle their problems with a
guiding hand and also learn to take up responsibilities. They can be fiercely
independent while also knowing their limits and abiding by them. This balance
makes it the best style of parenting and is the reason for gaining immense
popularity in today’s society.
The bottom line: To raise a smart child that fits in
the today’s world, you need to give your child positive
attention and tap their potential. Above all,
flexibility and blending the three effective parenting styles, you can give a
robust foundation.