There are no hard strategies for raising a smart child. Parents opt for
the best educational institution, best provisions, better facilities etc. for
their children. Parents cater to their children’s every need and ensure in
whatever ways they can to give them the best upbringing. Knowing what your
child likes and dislikes is very important in their process.
Following the five
effective strategies to raise a smart child:
Kids are curious by nature. More often than not, they will find
something or the other way more interesting than what you planned for him.
Always encourage their interests – whether they like sports, arts, mathematics
or music. Never discourage your child from pursuing or spending a lot of time
following his interests. You might have had other plans for him. Your wishes
count. But just because you want your child to excel in some other field than
the one he chooses doesn’t mean it should be discouraged. Encouraging them to
pursue their interests boosts their morale. It immensely builds up their
self-confidence that is crucial to make a mark of their own as they grow up.
No Expectations
Children are special in their own way and have their own pace at
learning things. Pressuring a child or having too much expectation from him all
the time can have really adverse effects on him. While it is essential to
ensure your child studies properly and is focused on doing the best he can,
expecting him to come back home as a topper in each grade is a very disastrous
way to raise a kid. Expecting him to excel at everything and never fail will
put him under pressure to prove himself every single time. Have no expectations
and support your child with whatever the outcome of his results are in studies or
otherwise. This helps to build his self-confidence and he will boldly face
problems without worrying about the end results.
Your child will make mistakes now and then. Don’t be excessively harsh
on him or rebuke him so bad that he is scared to make mistakes again. Correct
their mistakes and let them learn from each. Teach and discuss where they went
wrong instead of scolding and being harsh to them all the time. Gradually they
will know that mistakes are not something one should fear. It is inevitable and
is there to learn from. Being too harsh when they do wrong makes them scared of
facing you when they get wrong the next time. Not a healthy parent-child
relationship building skill in my opinion.
Food Habits
A child grows up developing habits and incorporating proper food habits
from a young age can be extremely useful. A healthy body is essential for a
healthy mind. By ensuring balanced meals from a young age with proper diet will
help your kid in the long run.
“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. Make sure your kid has fun
and games as an essential part of his upbringing. Don’t enroll him in sports or
swimming or something that you want him to take up. Let him play, discover and
hone his interests. After all, childhood is all about discovering something new
every now and then.
You reap what you sow and sowing good values and traits can begin at a
very early age. Observing closely and tapping their
potential and providing the right attention are the most
effective strategies to raise a smart child.