Prospect of the weekend was a welcome change. I had to travel to drop my daughter back to the hostel. Away from home... away from the kitchen… away from the demands of my two little ones. Above all, away from the boring mundane chores! It is something I look forward to.
Such occasional outing always helps me to cope with my not-so-exciting life. With the liberty what I get being away, I can spare some time on my favourite activity of reading without any distraction.
Of course the pain of separation is always there, after all sixteen is quite a young age to be in the hostel. But it was the conscious decision taken for her better future. So, my emotions were pretty under my control.
Reaching early in the morning, we refreshed and were ready to leave. The departing pain seemed to go beyond my control and was becoming intolerable as we neared. Taking some deep breaths, I managed myself reminding that I had done my job of preparing her to face the future. Finally, I took my departure with a heavy heart.
After returning back, I could neither read nor rest. It was a tough time to leave my piece of heart, to be all by herself, but inevitable! Even now, while writing these lines, tears are welling up in my eyes…