Teenage is an age of change, growth, vitality and development. During
this period the personality of the child shapes up. Hence, handle it with care.
Vacation is a great time to engage them in some useful activities. Detached
from the busy school schedule, their little brains are at rest and are filled
with full of energy. Tap their potential. What else could be the best time than
a vacation? Take the best advantage of vacation and spend time with your teen.
With most families, having working parents, vacation is the only time to bring
out the best versions of a teen.
Here are some effective ways to spend time with your teens and make the best out of the vacation.
- Nowadays
children are gadget oriented. They enjoy playing computer games. Parents
should try to spend time keeping in mind the interests and preferences of
their children. This will help in developing a bonding and a better
connection is set.
- Teens
are in their developing stage. Hence, they enjoy taking responsibilities.
Involve your child in planning and organizing and give them the
responsibility. If you are planning a trip, let them decide the
destination or even booking the tickets. Age appropriate responsibilities
build their self-esteem.
- Due
to increasing career pressure and competitions, children rarely get time
for physical activities. Engage them in some physical activities like
trekking, boating, or an outdoor game. It helps by developing
sportsmanship in children.
- Arrange
a family get-together or meet-up with your friends. The nuclear setup of
fame loosens the family bonding becomes strong and children get to learn
to socialize. Interaction with people helps to develop a child’s character.
A child’s communication skills improve.
- Children
enjoy movie it is a good idea to watch a movie. It will be productive as
well as entertaining. It helps the two of you’ll get closer, adding on the
important element of transparency, what is important in today’s
technology-driven world.
- Add
in some creativity. Their busy schedule and hectic academics refrain them
to take up on their creative activities. Vacation is the time of doing
something much more constructive. It can be doing some crash course along
with their parents. This would develop soft skills in children.
- Some
love adventures. Hiking, paragliding, river rafting are the best. During
this age, children are inclined towards a new experience. This quest for
adventure will bring satisfaction and help in overall development of the
- Some
children like spending time at home and are a big time foodie. Involve
your child in your kitchen work. Guide them to cook some simple dishes.
- Including
household chores in their routine can help them
understand what teamwork is. It also helps them understand the
value of money.
Teenage being the most rebellious and confusing times for kids, it is
important for parents to understand their psychology and reciprocate their
thoughts and feelings. Let your teen take the upper hand during the vacation.
This will help them grow into a responsible and mature individual. Spend time
with your teens and mold their raw minds. If done with care, it is the most
enjoyable journey of parenting.
If you think I missed out on any points, please do feel free to mention
it in the comments below.