Security is a feeling of safety and comfort, be it with people,
circumstances or even ambiance. The very interpretation of feeling
secured is related to emotions as it is the experience one undergoes.
Every one of us in each phase of our lives experiences security and sometimes
insecurity. And it is not just human beings, even the animals go through
their share of feeling secure and insecure.
If it is the looming result for a student, it is the financial crunch
for a bread earner. And for those who are in love, it is the fear of
rejection from their partner. The anxiousness that runs through us or the
panic attacks we get is nothing but insecurities.
In this fast-paced world, where we all are always on the go, with
changes constantly happening around us, we end up feeling insecure. Why
is it so? Do we ever really think about the causes? Rather, we emphasize
on our next course of actions. Instead, if we take one step back and
relax, probably we all can overcome this anxiety and this is where we generally
fail. We fail to understand that we are not confident of ourselves and
that is the very reason of feeling insecure.
Feeling certain about ourselves and by stopping to self-doubt on our
abilities, we can definitely help ourselves see our goals clearly. Our
brain is wired in such a complicated way that it often registers what it has
heard from others or hooks up to the past experiences and whenever we encounter
the same situation, the thoughts registered restricts us, limiting our
actions. Unfortunately, such is our strange human tendency.
A simple illustration of showcasing the insecure feeling could be when
you slip in a finger in the small palms of a new-born child, don’t you feel the
warmth of the little clutch?
Another instance we all experience in our daily lives is when we feel
uncomfortable in an outfit, we see people staring at us oddly. Yes,
I so knew that I look weird, we tell ourselves or to the one who is with
us. It indeed is an assurance what we give to ourselves. But the
truth is, nobody really cares about us. It’s all a mind game.
Hence, instead of giving in, why not choose to let go our ill feelings and just
stop bothering what others think of us?
The security or the insecurity is nothing but an illusion. Delving
a little deeper, let’s assume we know our futures. That, of course, is a
secure feeling. But will there be any excitement in life? Is that
life? Can life be lived without any twists and turns or risks and
I am sure, life
would be stale and we would be living the life of a zombie.
Certainty, is sure a security, but what if we are a little uncertain
about some events of our life?
Don’t we all like cheerleaders while we watch cricket or any other
game? Don’t we all flirt or try to impress the ones we like or love, just
to get some attention? What if we knew we would have them in our
lives? Would there be any excitement?
Uncertainty, imperfections, and mistakes make our life complete and
perfect – a simple funda to feel secured in life.