Do women want to be treated specially or equally? Do men know the difference?
Women in the past were too naïve and knew too little. With limited career options, they were contended even if their partners never shared housework or child rearing. But today, women stand high having conquered every arena of career fronts. Withstanding family pressure, social customs, gender bias, and other impediments, with sheer will-power and determination, women have accomplished professionally and are competing with their male counterparts. Competing is only possible when the teams have the same set of skills that can be compared. Hence the very competitive edge indicates, there is no disparity between men and women.
Let’s recall the
ancient Vedic age what we have read in school days. Women enjoyed equal rights with men. Patriarchy never denied their rights and privilege.
Girls were provided with good education and education was considered as
essential for a suitable marriage.
Women not only looked after the house hold and kids but also helped
their men in earning, working from home by weaving, pottery making, and helping
them in farms. But eventually, with the
change in the economy and political conditions, the status of women
declined. Today, with women stepping
into diverse fields there has been an upsurge in perspectives and approaches. Empowerment being the buzz word, women have
been provided with the right platform to rise to their true potential.
India, even today, being
a patriarchal society, with the male dominating, women are always considered as
weaker sex and hence are subjugated. And
men can never understand what exactly a woman needs. It was never in the past nor will be in the future,
women’s needs are to be treated special.
And equal treatment too wasn’t their demand in the past, neither today nor
tomorrow. They in fact, by their deeds
have already reached that height surpassing their male counterparts, proving
their efficiency.
If ever, there has been
a debate, it is just because women have allowed men to underestimate their
capabilities. No one can make a woman feel
inferior without their permission. More
than society treating those women as special or equal, it is they who have to believe
in themselves and reach for opportunities.
And a set of ambitious challenges in place can guide a woman to be an active
partner in her home and also to be an efficient leader.
Good luck.
I'm blogging for the India Today Woman Summit 2015 #WomenPower activity at BlogAdda.