All women at least once in her lifetime is at the crossroads with the
big question looming tall before them – career or family. Prioritizing becomes
difficult. Quite obviously, a woman chooses the former over the later. This
often is the time when she is at the peak of her career. Without further
thought, she gives in to the situation and heads for the bold decision of
quitting her dream job. Quitting a job she had held for so long can be
liberating for some time. The initial excitement is always there but with the
changing times and situations, soon it can become intimidating.
If you are one among those women, before plunging into the decision, here is the checklist before you quit your job:
1. Is quitting the
only option you have?
If your job, which you love, is interfering with your family
responsibilities, then tweak your routine a little. Team up with your partner
and if needed, take help from the others in your family. Hire a cook or
organize a childcare. Avail the benefits which are easily available around and
try easing out your life as this is a temporary phase which will pass by soon.
You are on your way to building your career. Do not let the petty issues ruin
your dreams.
2. Consider the
financial aspects
Financial independence is what every woman strive for. Earning all these
years, you had been a support to your family. Quitting your job can put on some
financial pressures. Find an alternative source as per your convenience. Work
from home if possible. Explore the possibilities.
3. Be prepared for
the new begin
By choosing to quit your job, you have set some expectations and
conditions for yourself – to be a genius in managing your kids, to be on the
top in managing the entire household, to be an excellent cook and the list is
never ending. Prepare yourself mentally, as managing the house and the kids are
the most stressful jobs.
4. The overwhelming
transition phase
A transition from one lifestyle to the other can be time-consuming and a
difficult phase. The set pattern has to change in every little way. You need to
take control of the household, kids and the family. Confining to the four walls
of your home may be grueling. Patience, perseverance, and endurance are the key
elements to navigate through this tough time.
5. Integrate some
activities that you love
Soon after the initial excitement fading away, you face boredom. Before
it hits you, take action. Take up some activities that you wished to do and
never had the time. Start working on your passion. Fill up your ideal time with
some learning.
In today’s materialistic world, it is not just the financial
fulfillment. People have been looking beyond to pursue a life with passion and
purpose. Ultimately what counts in life, is your happiness. Therefore, you have
to define your happiness and give it wings. Make a smart choice and live your dream life!