“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The
process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own
responsibility.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Each one of us strives for a better life. Self-help books, personal
development workshops, and information are overloaded around us. We work on
developing healthy habits, healthy routine, goal setting exercise managing time
effectively, trying to bring out the best of ourselves. But sometimes life
doesn’t support us with its favours.
Here are Eight signs of understanding that you are not in charge of your life.
1. Decision making
You depend on
others to decide for you. Unable to understand the situation, you wait for
others to take charge and come out with solutions for your problems. You need
permission and affirmation from others to validate your thoughts. You seek
their approval.
2. Stand up for yourself
You are unable to
support yourself. Your thoughts and actions differ. The cause and consequences
seem to be unpredictable. You are always unprepared for the situations.
3. Execution of your plans of life
You fail to execute
your plans. The reason could be poor planning. Planning, being the most
important task, each day has to be planned meticulously. Deadlines have to be
4. You are not taken seriously
When you feel
ignored by your people around it is a sign of your poor self-esteem. Confidence
boosts self-esteem. A good plan and clear goals give one high confidence about
5. You are emotionally and financially dependent
In today’s world,
with vast exposure in various diverse fields, each one of us has potential and
talent. Enormous opportunities around has to be utilized. If you find yourself
unable to plan for yourself and wait for someone, or financially dependent on
others it is a clear indication that you lost the control of your life.
6. You are unsure of the future
A responsible
person has plans for his or her life. It is the responsibility of the
individual to go ahead with the plans and steer the life in the direction he or
she wishes. If the future is unsure, then you sure don’t have control of your
thoughts and actions.
7. Often face unpredictability
Alongside planning
is an ability to predict. Prediction helps one to be proactive. Being
proactive, nothing is unpredictable. A responsible person is accountable for
his or her own actions. To be predictable demands one to be on a high alert.
8. You often feel insecure
confidence, commitment, hard and smart work, endurance, persistence, and
control over yourself, all goes into the equation. If you feel scared of your
life or your future, you sure are not able to handle your life.
Above are the traits that help you know where are you in your life.
Working on the aspects can help you take charge of your life. If not you, who
else can be responsible for your life? Stop being a silent spectator. Forge
ahead, with small baby steps. One at a time, attach your week areas and
overcome the difficulties. If worked smartly, be sure about your success. It’s
high time to figure out your
What do you think, apart from the above help us get control of our
lives? Do share your experiences and comments.