Relationships change over time and so does how we interpret love. From exchanging those first glances to the note of “Till death do us apart”, a relationship is always changing in its own sweet but complicated ways. What starts as an emotional journey gradually with time involves practicality and compatibility as its partner too. Life is not all about a romantic relationship and a fairy-tale wedding. Interpretations of love varies with expectations by people in different phases of life.
Let us take a look at how interpretations of love change between couples in different phases of life.
Teenage Love
Teenage is that time of life when you are discovering and rediscovering
yourself time and again. During this phase new things become interesting. What
you don’t have, becomes more appealing and a part and parcel of this newness
is falling in love. It is not at all
simple. Teenagers deal with their curiosity, also handling peer pressure
and academic pressure paired with a tremendous emotional and hormonal
turbulence. Life of a teenager is complicated in its own ways. When it comes to
expectations and interpretations of love, it is on similar complicated lines.
Teenagers want their love interest to be charming while also be good in
academics. They should be good looking because let’s be honest at this point of
life that matters immensely. Teenagers also like their partners to be
entertaining and social so they gel well with their friends and social circle.
But they should also be immensely focused towards their career and future.
Above everything else, love at this phase of life means giving each other
enough time, being together as much as they can.
Young Adults
It is amusing how a few years and couple of heartbreaks can change the
outlook and expectations of what love means in an individual. The phase of
puppy love goes away as fast as the teenage does. By the time you are
20-something, you already know how to take better decisions. But still curious
about exploring the options in matters of your heart. Mostly individuals don’t
want to settle down by this phase. They do look for someone they are really
compatible with and can think of a near or far future. The requirement of
continuously being with each other replaces understanding and providing each
other enough space. Being sound financially, having high-flying career goals
etc. are definitive criteria. By this phase you want your partner to be
supportive, understanding and help in aiding personal and emotional growth.
By the time you reach your middle age, having good experiences, you have
seen many a storm. You know by now that you do not need another person to
define your happiness. What you seek instead is dependability. Partners look
for a concrete emotional support and encouragement in terms of career or
personal feats. This phase is not about curiosity. It’s about integrity, where
you do not let anything else eclipse your love life. You strive to make it work
out better by each passing day.
This is the most satisfactory phase of love. Somewhere amidst seeking an
emotional solace, a transparent and selfless bonding and understanding each
other and taking care of each other – the ultimate interpretation of love is
all about bonding and companionship. Expectations just include taking care of
each other, a healthy relationship with less drama and more selfless love.
No matter what stage are you in, value yourself in the first place along
with your significant other. What is your say on this?
If you find a striking, interest on the subject, then pick up, ‘A Drop of Dew‘. Enjoy the
flavour of interpretations of love at stages of life.